
the national flower of Paraguay is good to alleviate stress and anxiety and it's fruit, stems and leaves are aphrodisiac anthelmintic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antiparkinsonian, stimulant, desmutagenic, psychedelic, MAO-Inhibitor and uterotonic
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la flor nacional del Paraguay es buena aliviando el estres y la ansiedad y su fruta, ramas y hojas son afrodisiacas, antihelminticas, antibacteriales, antimalariales, antiparkinsonianas, estimulantes, desmutagenicas, psicodelicas, inhibidoras de la oxidasa de monoamidas y uterotonicas
In Argentina it grows wildly pretty much everywhere
En Argentina hay en todos lados, baldios y etc
10-20 of it's fruit are good potentiating other psychedelic drugs and psychedelic on it's own, fomenting telepathy, they are very easy to peel off and most tasty
10 o 20 de sus frutos potencian otros psicodelicos y son psicodelicos de por si, fomentando la telepatia, son facilisimos de pelar y riquisimos
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