acetoeteno needs some active members

i am acetoeteno´s admin. im not really admin this blog since 2010.
thanks for all the support that you are giving to these nerdy pleasure of wyrd incredible music. i need some active members for reuploadin´ post and discs , tha  old images are completly lost. you will see a lot of !! -

old records are down and i recieve a lot of mails
LOT of mails of incredible gyga_nerds who need some weirrrd album of dark surf psycodelia that we used to have on the first great years of this humble blog . crazy, but not insane, i ve been loosing all my music in several format c:/ s times so, i trust in soulseek to find the albums that we lost in the black hole pussycats WFMU heaven. personally , i wanna hear the NWW list of mutant sounds. thanks mutant sounds for your magic. and thanks alot for keeping this blog alive.thanks markus, moris, the mule, an nasira, dani la, tryfex, aborto gay, amos, sara, faco.

Bagdad Vaghita

1 comentario:

The Mule dijo...

Gracias Mutant Sounds.

Shukriya Bagdad Vaghita.

Welcome to our Doom!