the other ones :

lovely gay blog that i found :



En el borde,
la vereda
estar en el borde,
en la esquina de lo llano y lo ondulado
en el cordón de la paz y la intolerancia
la demencia
lo ateo
y el conformismo

en la línea del terrestre dolor
y el placer intergaláctico

en la circunferencia de lo urbano
y la vacuidad del campo

en la punta del ala izquierda del avion de lo mundano
en la punta
del pie/raíz de la farbullada tierra
en la cornisa del cielo
y sus relevancias

estar de costado
en la anemia del capitalismo,
elongando la espiritualidad
de cuclillas
a la vida adormecida
sonandole el cuello
a los sueños diurnos

en la esquina
en un horizonte curvo
de sucesos
e insucedidos
en el fin de montes
en medio
de la espalda de la luz
y la frente de la oscuridad.

Los Gedes - Los gedes no duermen, descansan... (2007)

1 - Bombacha cagada
2 - El chupachichi
3 - Tan bella y presumida
4 - Loquito por tí
5 - La vela
6 - Cogotea
7 - La gata Flora
8 - Seguí tu ruta
9 - Toda la vagancia
10 - La banda está borracha
11 - Mi caravana
12 - Tu peor pesadilla
13 - Yo soy así
14 - Una gitana loca
15 - Mala pala
16 - Berretines de verduga
17 - Bombacha cagada
18 - Voz de bebé

Bajar en/Download at:

"MOSTRO" (1994/2001) - Naoki Urasawa

Esquisíto manga del mismo autor de "Muchachos del siglo XX". Historia ochentosa y atrapante, a lo japonés pero en Germania. Misterio para tirar al techo...
A pedido popular sigo subiendo.

Esquisit manga from the same author that "Twentieh century boys". 80s catching history, Japanese style but situated on Germany. Lots of mistery...
On popular request i'll continue uploading it.

Bajar en/Download at:

B. J. Snowden - life in the usa and canada

Hithe Photo

American proud seudo singer. This album talks about the beatiful way of living in the United states and Canada.
Sounds fine.
Sorry Mrs Snowden for uploading your album, but you're so Yankee.


Moëvöt - Ézléýfbdréhtr Vépréùb Zùérfl Màzàgvàtre Érbbédréà

Les Legions Noires

You wouldn't imagine how deep could music be sounding to perpetuate. Amazing Dark Ambient divine Sincretic art mention.


Ultra Thanks to the -Black Metal - Avant-Garde - Dark Ambient - Experimental - Drone - Blog,

Go Rin No Sho (The book of five rings) - 1645

The author killed hundreds of people to get all the wisdom to right it. Obtain all his wisdom and spiritual knowledge reading his work.


una vez aprendi en el colegio que formica era hormiga en latin. formication es la sensacion de picazon, y sentir bichos abajo de tu piel cuando estas pasado de mucha falopa. formication son dos musicos que hacen arte de la oscuridad. y en mi opinion personal es oscuridad que brilla y trasciende.

once, i learn on school that "formica" means ant in latin. formication is the itching sensation and feeling-bugs-under-your-skin when you are dancing in opium, meth for years. formication are two musicians who makes art from darkness, and, in my persoanl opinion, his darkness is brightness that trancends

icons for a new religion

the untitled wasdale recordings


the condemned piano memory

crossing the sea by radio

pieces for a condemned piano


Cameo - Cardiac Arrest (1977)

Una maravilla del R&B, lleno de vida.

Download at


kunstwerkkunst - vierfarbig casette! (2008)

01:32 -1- breathing puerh
02:00 -2- reliveran (live2008-09)
00:34 -3- telephonic operator
03:09 -4- scarab march
03:06 -5- invasion
02:12 -6- roberta hit 404.html
01:38 -7- pazciencia with monster
02:32 -8- love (live09/08)
01:07 -9- bryn jones was right (live09/08)
07:34 -10- theme for roll spliff (religius tetrislive 09-08)
02:02 -11-density like dessert
14:08 -12- loophole (hormones live09-08)
00:11 -13- its fine feeling fine
08:16 -14- snail robot vanishing day (punchi live 12-07)

zshare link
divshare link
rapidshare link




Club Nisei - Japanese Music of Hawaii

Hawaii’s Japanese music performed circa 1947 - 1950’s. These talented performers are second generation Japanese Americans. They call themselves CLUB NISEI. The sons & daughters of migrant workers…Americans of Japanese ancestry… born & raised in Hawaii.


VA - Cumbias instrumentales

Sorry about not having pictures for the album. But i think that this album is a bus station Cd.
Great Songs, great clasic cumbias. It also contains 'La pollera amarilla' instrumental version. 27 tracks


muslimgauze - sarin israel nes ziona (2002)
Limited edition of 700. Part of the subscription serie.
Dedicated to all palestinians killed by Israel.
Sarin Israel = plane crash on Amsterdam carried Sarin
Nes Ziona = plant making chemical weapons in/for Israel

Salvia Divinorum - info

Download Here


8 bit xmas

"This very special holiday release from 8bitpeoples features an allstar cross-platform lineup that is sure to make yours a truly chippy christmas indeed. Brought together from all corners of the globe, these 8 amazing tunes were composed by 8 dedicated chiptune maniacs on 8 different videogame consoles and homecomputers! Featuring the sounds of Yerzmyey on the Spectrum, Nullsleep on the NES, Vim on the VIC20, Paul Slocum on the Atari 2600, Bit Shifter on the GameBoy, Goto80 on the C64, Dma-Sc on the Atari ST, and Hally on the X68000, there is only one way to celebrate the holidays right this year, and this is it."

thanks skinner box y annasira

download here

parido by kwk

Experimento de Cuca - Mientras dure la fiesta

download here

ive found this by Paramo's blog or Continuo's blog. thanks for this jewel.


por favor
por favor
por favor
por favor

VA Hotel Easy - Golden Cavalcade Casino

DOwnload HERE mamita

there are 4 volumes ( party , disco, hotel and etceterea) ...

pd: here i found a blog who has posted the 4 volumes
pd: aca un gran tipo en su blog subio los 4 volumenes

runawayeguayana by kwk

VA - beretta 70 roaring themes from thrilling italian police films

download here

eggshakerbum by kwk

Mala Fama - Ritmo y Sustancia

download here
Another link

DADA cumbia Sinthe argentina

Lonesome Organist - Cavalcade ( 2002 )

For his second album, Lonesome Organist ( Jeremy J. Jacobsen ) has again fashioned a carnival of evocative songs that utilise a range of keyboards, from calliope to xylophone, along with assorted guitars, percussion, and his own voice.
The self-produced CAVALCADE is like a soundtrack to an ever-changing movie. The songs follow their own logic, as they come spilling out, sometimes rich with romance or melancholy, other times like a barnyard full of costumed animals.